S. Amanzholov EKSU has prepared 25 masters for the additional academic periodin the 2017-2018 academic year.
According to the state compulsory standard of postgraduate education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 23, 2012 №1080, a master who graduated from profile magistracy can engage in scientific and pedagogical activities only if he has mastered a cycle of disciplines and pedagogical practice.
This cycle is mastered during the additional academic period, after which a corresponding certificate of the established sample is issued to the basic diploma.
Training sessions were conducted by leading university teachers: A. Zanbossinova, N. Zavalko, A. Kartayeva, E. Seitembetov, N. Radchenko, Zh. Zhantassova, A. Sabitova, E. Sitnikova, B. Skaikhova, Zh. Idrisheva, M. Madiyarov, A. Apysheva.
On December 29 graduates of the master's degree were given certificates of the additional academic periodcompletion. The presentation was attended by the acting head of the department of postgraduate education B. Medeubayeva, the methodologist of the department of postgraduate education A. Zhunusova, the specialist of the department of postgraduate education of M. Satbayeva. Good wishes and words of farewell were expressed to the address of the undergraduates.
Department of Postgraduate Education