16.08.2023 EKU EXPANDS THE BOUNDARIES OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION S. Amanzholov University of Education opens new educational programs taking into account the current trends in the labor market. Today Kazakhstan is experiencing a strong deficit in teachers of early development of children from 0 to 3 years old and ergopedagogues. According to statistics, at birth only 2% of children with various deviations are detected, but by the age of 8-9 years the number of such children increases to 10%. This means that 8% of children were undiagnosed and did not receive early support. The early support educator has the technology to assist and support children with functional impairments. Newly trained specialists after graduation can work in preschool educational organizations, in psychological and pedagogical correction rooms, in rehabilitation and medical centers, polyclinics and child care centers. In addition, early support teachers can provide medical-psychological-pedagogical counseling and teach in educational institutions. The Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy is opening another no less significant educational program "Ergopedagog". - It is a specialist who works with children and adults who have physical, mental or social difficulties. An ergopedagogue improves the quality of their daily life by developing motor skills, cognitive functions and adaptation to the environment," say the department's specialists. Employment of graduates is guaranteed in inclusive organizations, psychological and pedagogical correction rooms and residential institutions. In addition, ergopedagogues can teach adaptive physical education classes. It should be noted that the main advantages of choosing these professions are social significance, creative component of the working process and a high percentage of predictable employment. The cost of training per year is 600,000 tenge, and on the basis of TiPO, VO - 498,000 tenge. Contacts: 8(7232) 540-665 87052397975 87778578298 View the full image